Detailed Information
We invite local vendors to list their products or services on our website,
There are numerous benefits to listing your products on our site. Let’s outline them here:
- By listing your products, you transparently communicate your product or service prices to customers. If you are confident in your pricing, there’s no need to hide it. Our website is designed to showcase the pricing of products/services offered by local vendors, categorized based on the areas they serve. This increases the chances of attracting new customers in your local area as well as other regions.
- We create a dedicated page for each business, allowing them to manage their product listings, offers, announcements, and blogs. This makes it easy for customers to quickly browse through your business details.
- Our primary goal from the beginning has been to find the product price first, along with complete details, and then determine the locations where it is available. This provides significant benefits for your customers. When they search for a product in their area and you sell it in your store, they can easily find you, resulting in more business for you.
- It’s not just about finding products but also about discovering offers. The offer section operates similarly to product searches. Customers can search for offers in their locality, making it easy to find your business. We also provide an option for you to write a blog for your business.
- It’s not just about finding product or offer prices but also about accepting orders from your customers. Yes, that’s right. We provide vendors with the option to allow their customers to place orders directly through This is a significant benefit for local stores as they no longer need to rely solely on phone or WhatsApp orders.
If you need assistance attaching your business, please provide your business details to this email address: [email protected]. We will contact you shortly.
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